LEAH - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
ASHLEY - You are kidding me!
KIM - Girl, I am so not lying! The boy peed straight up in the air and it got in my hair! I had to wash my hair twice!
(LEAH and ASHLEY fall out laughing.)
LEAH - That's what you get! Ha ha ha ha!
KIM - That's what I get? For what?
LEAH - Helping out them damn AKAs!
KIM - Shut up! This was about helping frat and Seth was with me so its his line brother.
(LEAH and ASHLEY are cracking up laughing.)
KIM - Oh just laugh!
LEAH - Ha ha ha ha, I'm sorry... but did he stop crying at all?
KIM - Hell no!
(LEAH laughs again.)
KIM - His bad ass! That boy screamed! To be honest, I think he was just screaming to be screaming.
(LEAH is laughing and there are tears falling from her eyes. There is a knock on the door.)
KIM - Yall just keep on laughin' but it aint funny.
ASHLEY - Kim wait! Wait! Don't open the door!
(KIM stops.)
KIM - Why?
(ASHLEY smiles.)
ASHLEY - It might be Migiri! Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha!
KIM thinks - Stupid!
(KIM opens the door.)
KIM - Well well well...
ADA - Hello Kim, how are you?
KIM - Just fine Ada.
(KIM checks her watch.)
KIM - Right on time. Impressive.
ADA - I take this very seriously.
KIM - We shall see. Come in.
(ADA walks in.)
KIM - Now let's see if everyone else will come on time.
ADA - I'm sure they will. I've spoken to each of them.
KIM - Even Miya?
ADA - Yes.
KIM - Sorors, we have company.
(ASHLEY and LEAH wipe their eyes and stop laughing.)
ADA - Hello Ashley. Hello Leah.
ASHLEY - Hi Ada.
(LEAH doesn't speak.)
KIM - Ada, you can sit right here.
(ADA notices that there are three chairs. She sits in the first one as there is a knock on the door.)
KIM - Are your girls early? I told you to have them show up every ten minutes not every two seconds!
ADA - Uh... um... I did let them um know.
LEAH - I can already see how this night is gonna go!
ADA thinks - Oh God!
(ADA looks nervous as KIM opens the door.)
KIM - Oh! You lucky! Its only Rhonda.
SHARONDA - Only Rhonda? Well forget you too!
(The Zetas laugh. ADA is looking nervous and serious.)
KIM - Girl you lucky it wasn't Tammi or Miya or that other one... what's her damn name?
SHARONDA - Lori... Linda?
ADA - Laurel.
KIM - Oh yeah, her. I don't like her too much. How bout yall?
LEAH - I don't even know her.
ASHLEY - Me neither.
KIM - Well anyway, you lucky they aint comin' in here too early because... oh nevermind.
(A few minutes go by and there is a knock on the door.)
KIM - Okay, this should be another one of em.
(KIM opens the door.)
KIM - Oh Lord.
LAUREL - Hello Kim.
KIM - Whatever. Why does no one know who you are? Come in. Sit over there.
(KIM points to where ADA is sitting. LAUREL sits next to ADA.)
LEAH - Who the heck are you?
LAUREL - Uh... my name is Laurel and I...
LEAH - Oh hush.
ASHLEY - At least you were here on time.
(There is another knock on the door. The Zetas look at one another. KIM looks at her watch.)
KIM - Okay... we all here... I know that wasn't ten minutes already... this better be a soror from Ahpla and not Tammi or Miya!
(KIM opens the door as everyone is looking.)
MIYA - Hiya! Its Miya!
ERIC is on the yard with his frat brother JAY and he thinks that everyone is staring at him, whispering and pointing.
ERIC - No... no just... I need to be alone... um...
(ERIC turns around and JESSICA is standing there.)
JESSICA - Hey... wassup?
ERIC - Wassup? Wassup!
(ERIC is raising his voice.)
ANDY - Yeah... uh... wassup? What's the matter?
(ERIC stares at ANDY, closes his eyes, then reopens them. He thought ANDY was JESSICA.)
ERIC - Uh... I'm sorry Andy... um... I'm just goin' through a lot and I thought... well nevermind.
ANDY - Yeah, I heard.
ERIC - You what?
ANDY - I said hi to Jay. Are you okay Eric?
ERIC - No, actually I'm not. I need to go lay down.
ANDY - Okay, well I hope you feel better.
ERIC - Yeah, me too.
(ERIC starts to walk away. ANDY just watches him walk by.)
ANDY - He looks like he's about to throw up.
JAY - Yeah. He's sick alright.
ERIC thinks - I gotta calm down. I'm losing it and I can't afford to lose it right now.
(ERIC pulls out his cell phone and dials.)
RECEPTIONIST - Simon, Brooks and Shumaker, how may I help you?
ERIC - Yes, hello. Is Mrs. Robinson available?
RECEPTIONIST - Can I tell her who is calling?
ERIC - It's her son.
RECEPTIONIST - Oh hi. Hold on.
ERIC - Hi Mom.
MRS. ROBINSON - How are ya? You don't need some money do ya?
(His mother laughs. ERIC stops walking and sits down on a bench by the Amgis College gate.)
ERIC - No Ma, I don't need any money this time. Not yet at least.
MRS. ROBINSON - Eric what's wrong?
ERIC - Um... I got a serious problem that I need to talk to you about.
MRS. ROBINSON - Okay what is it?
(ERIC pauses.)
MRS. ROBINSON - Eric what is it?
ERIC - Ma, you remember Jessica, that girl I was dating last year?
MRS. ROBINSON - Sure sure.
MRS. ROBINSON thinks - Oh God! She's pregnant!
MRS. ROBINSON - What about her?
ERIC - Well, ever since we broke up, she's been wanting to get back together with me. And Akina was trying to warn me but I didn't believe it. Or want to believe it. I thought she had moved on/
ERIC - Well now it has become a serious issue. A real serious one.
ERIC - She's falsely accusing me of rape.
ERIC - I didn't touch her Ma. I swear, I didn't touch her once.
MRS. ROBINSON - Okay okay slow down. Tell me exactly what happened.
ERIC - Okay... I had gotten sick and the bros took me to the hospital to get checked out.
MRS. ROBINSON - What! When was this!
ERIC - Ma... it was a few weeks ago. So anyway...
MRS. ROBINSON - Why didn't you tell me!
ERIC - Because you do exactly what you're doing now. You worry and overreact.
MRS. ROBINSON - Go ahead Eric. Finish the story.
ERIC - So anyway, I go to the hospital and they don't find anything wrong with me. But they want to run some tests so I'm just laying in the hospital bed.
ERIC - And Jess comes in the room. She came in from nowhere. We get to talking and she's talking real crazy like she wants to get back together and the way she's saying it is really worrying me.
ERIC - She locks the door and has my phone cut off so I can't call a nurse or security in the room.
MRS. ROBINSON - How in the world...
ERIC - I don't know. I still can't figure that out. So the only thing I could think of doing was to pin her down and scream for help. So that's what I did but when the guards came, they arrested me and she started crying rape!
MRS. ROBINSON - Oh my God! You should've told me this when it first happened!
ERIC - I'm sorry...
ERIC - I just don't know what to do now. Can you help me?
MIYA comes to ASHLEY's room... a little early.
MIYA - Hiya! Its Miya!
KIM - What! What the hell are you doing here so early! You were supposed to get here ten minutes after Laurel!
MIYA - Oh... I was just so excited that I...
KIM - Get in here!
(SHARONDA laughs to herself.)
KIM - Sit your happy self down.
(MIYA now looks a litte worried as she sits next to ADA and LAUREL.)
KIM - See, now I'm gettin' stressed. Miya's here too early... dag!
ASHLEY - I still don't know who the heck this second chick is.
LAUREL thinks - Huh? They all know me... why are they saying they don't know who I am?
SHARONDA - So Miya, what the heck made you come so early?
MIYA - Um... I thought I would come a little early to... um...
ASHLEY - To be juicy huh?
MIYA - Juicy?
SHARONDA - It means to impress us Miya.
MIYA - Oh... well, I'm sorry... I guess.
LEAH - You're sorry? You're sorry? You sure are sorry!
MIYA - Well I didn't mean to...
ASHLEY - Oh here we go. Excuses. Oh how I hate excuses.
(MIYA looks at SHARONDA as if she is very worried. A few minutes go by and there is another knock on the door.)
KIM - Oh God! Now see, that's probably Tammi, who is now too early, because Miya here decided to come too early. God!
(KIM huffs as she opens the door.)
TAMMI - Hello Ki...
KIM - Yeah yeah yeah, come in.
(TAMMI quickly comes in.)
KIM - Do you know that you're too early?
TAMMI - I am? But I came ten minutes after Miya walked in. I was watching from down the hall.
KIM - You're early! Just face it! Now sit... oh wait...
(KIM looks at ADA, LAUREL and MIYA who are all seated. There are no more chairs for TAMMI.)
KIM - You can't sit down huh? There aren't any more chairs.
SHARONDA - Nope. Sure aint.
TAMMI - Uh... I'll just sit on the floor. I don't mind at all.
LEAH - This aint about what you mind! Lord Jesus help me! I told yall we shouldn't have a line this year. We should just skip this year and reorganize the chapter. Didn't I say that?
SHARONDA - Yeah you did.
KIM - Yeah Leah, stop with the I told you so's.
LEAH - But wasn't I right?
KIM - Well we gonna fix this right now. Somewhat at least.
ASHLEY - How you gonna fix it?
(KIM turns to ADA, LAUREL, MIYA and TAMMI.)
KIM - As you see, we have three chairs but four of yall. I aint a math major, but clearly something is wrong.
SHARONDA - Clearly.
ASHLEY - Clearly.
KIM - The reason we have three chairs is because we only want three of yall. We didn't plan on having a line of four, we only want three new sisters in our chapter.
(KIM folds her arms.)
KIM - Therefore, its gonna be up to yall to decide who stays and who goes. We aint messin' round with that decision, we leavin' it up to yall.
ADA thinks - What?
KIM - Each of you, look at me.
(She looks all four in the face.)
KIM - I'm serious when I tell you this. I am very, very serious. This isn't us testing you or whatever. You actually know one another a lot better than any of us know you. So its more fair to let you pick the person that goes. Good luck.
(The Zetas start to get up and leave the room.)
KIM - We'll be back in here in a few minutes. By the time we get back, I want three candidates seated, and one gone. No excuses. Finer women hate excuses.
ADA - Uh... excuse me... I have a question.
(KIM turns around.)
KIM - No questions. No excuses. Do what we ask. When I come back in here, be ready to begin the journey toward Zeta Phi Beta sorority incorporated... three of you.
(KIM walks into the other room to join her sorors and closes the door.)
The ladies of Delta Sigma Theta, GWEN, TIA, and CAMILLE are meeting in TIA's room. They are waiting for their sorors from Ahpla University to show up.
GWEN - Will you calm down? Shit!
CAMILLE - I can't help it! It was just so off the hook!
GWEN - Please talk to your girl!
(GWEN throws her hands up as she motions to TIA who only laughs.)
GWEN - You laugh but you didn't have to walk over here with this crazy person I call my line sister.
CAMILLE - Why I gotta be crazy?
GWEN - I'm sayin', you haven't stopped talking about Vegas since we was in Vegas. Give it a break already.
CAMILLE - But wait, did you see how many sorors were there? Did you see it!
GWEN - Yes Camille, I saw it.
(TIA is laughing.)
CAMILLE - But wait, did you see the sea of red and white at the step show! Oh my God!
GWEN - Camille, I was sitting right next to you!
CAMILLE - Oh my gosh I am so glad I'm a Delta! I wanted to hug every soror there!
GWEN - You practically did! So embarrassing!
(She shakes her head.)
TIA - Let her have her moment. Its good to have enthusiastic young sorors in the chapter.
GWEN - Enthusiastic is one thing. Sickening is another!
CAMILLE - Hey! I resemble that remark!
(GWEN shakes her head.)
GWEN - Why me Lord?
(There's a knock on the door.)
TIA - Gwen, get that.
GWEN - Anything to get away from Super Neo over here!
CAMILLE - Oh so much hate!
(GWEN opens the door.)
GWEN - Hey.
WILLIE - Wassup soror.
(They hug as WILLIE, CHRISTIAN and BREANNA walk in.)
GWEN - What's goin' on?
WILLIE - Nothin' girl, just chillin'.
CAMILLE - Sorors! Ooooooo-ooooooop!
(CAMILLE throws the sign and everyone just looks at her.)
GWEN - See what I mean?
(CHRISTIAN laughs.)
CHRISTIAN - Like we aint just throw the sign eighty million times in Vegas. I aint throwin' the sign again until November!
(They all laugh.)
BREANNA - I aint mad at you soror.
(BREANNA reaches to hug CAMILLE who enthusiastically hugs her back.)
BREANNA - I was hype over Vegas too. I got your back Camille!
GWEN - You wasn't hype like this one! She didn't sleep one night while we were there! She went to like every meeting, bought so much para she'll probably have to take out a loan to pay her credit card off...
CAMILLE - Just tellin' all my business! Hey, I just had a great time with thousands of my sorority sisters. What's so bad about that?
WILLIE - Absolutely nothing. I had a good time my neo year too.
GWEN - Do not... encourage her!
(They all laugh again.)
BREANNA - Theresa isn't here yet?
TIA - No not yet.
GWEN - Yall wanna wait a few minutes before we start?
WILLIE - We can go ahead and start. She's probably right behind us and can easily catch up to what's goin' on.
TIA - Okay. Anybody want anything to drink?
(WILLIE is sitting down and pulling out a notebook.)
WILLIE - Yeah, I'll just have a water.
CAMILLE - Give me a shot of crimson and cream on the rocks.
GWEN - Oh God stop!
(They laugh again.)
WILLIE - Aight aight, settle down yall. Let's talk.
(Everyone sits down. TIA brings the two waters, then sits down herself.)
WILLIE - Thank yall for hosting this meeting and for having us. As yall know, this get together is really off the cuff and spur of the moment. But there was so much great information given out at convention, I thought it would be awesome if we could just have a brainstorming session on how we could help serve this shared community better.
TIA - I agree and let me say that this is a great idea Willie and I applaud your efforts.
GWEN - And if I could just say, I too want to commend Willie on this idea. I mean, this is something we should've done a long time ago. I'm glad you had the foresight to call us together and I know we're gonna get some positive things from this.
WILLIE - Thanks yall, I appreciate that. I just try to work hard ya know?
BREANNA - Try? You doin' your thing girl.
CHRISTIAN - Hell yeah you are!
WILLIE - Thanks. Well anyway, down to business. And these first questions are just some things I jotted down on the flight back from Vegas. So its nothing in stone or anything.
GWEN - Okay, go ahead.
CAMILLE - Wait...
(Everyone looks at CAMILLE.)
CAMILLE - Did you fly... Delta? Oooo-oooooop!
GWEN - God!
(Everyone laughs.)
BREANNA - Okay sands, I can't back you on that one. That was corny.
CAMILLE - Ha ha ha ha, my bad. Proceed.
WILLIE - Uh... yeah. As I was saying. Do yall think its a good idea to have our separate chapters attack service projects as two chapters to affect more people or as one large unit of sorors to have a stronger impact?
CAMILLE - Good question Soror Willie.
(WILLIE laughs and shakes her head.)
WILLIE - Thank you.
TIA - Well, I think that...
(There is a knock on the door.)
ERIC is on the phone with his mother, Attorney MICHELLE ROBINSON. He is telling her about the rape case brought on by JESSICA.
ERIC - Mom, can you help me?
MRS. ROBINSON - Of course I can. I just wish you had told me! What was the last thing that happened to you?
ERIC - When I left the police station with Akina, they told me that they would get back to me about the case. Then I got a letter about a court case with a documentation number and everything! I didn't think it was really a big deal when it happened but they're serious.
MRS. ROBINSON - Of course they are. God! Okay, let me get to work and make some phone calls. Where are you?
ERIC - I'm on campus but I'm going to my room. I don't feel so hot.
MRS. ROBINSON - Okay. You go home and I'll call you. Don't do anything until I call you back. We're gonna get through this, don't worry.
ERIC - Okay.
MRS. ROBINSON - Eric listen, God doesn't let bad things happen to good people. I know you didn't do this and I never liked that girl. I always thought she was too clingy and possesive.
ERIC - Yeah.
MRS. ROBINSON - Don't worry, we'll take care of this. Go ahead home.
ERIC - Okay.
MRS. ROBINSON - I love you Eric.
ERIC - Love you too Mom.
(ERIC waits a second and so does his mother. She then hangs up, he follows. He waits about two minutes, then gets up and starts to walk toward the dorm.)
ERIC thinks - I should've told her a long time ago. I should've told her when this first went down.
(ERIC's phone rings. ERIC checks the display, then answers.)
ERIC - Hey.
AKINA - Hi baby, how are you?
ERIC - Not good. I'm headed home now. I think I need to chill or something.
AKINA - I just got out of class, you want me to meet you over there?
ERIC - Don't you have another class?
AKINA - Yeah but it aint important. I need to spend this time with you.
ERIC - No no no. Just go to class. Call me when you get out.
AKINA - Are you sure?
ERIC - Yeah, I don't want you skipping class. You'll be done in an hour and a half and I can see you then.
AKINA - Okay.
ERIC - I just called my mother and told her.
AKINA - You did! How did she take it?
ERIC - Better than I thought actually. She's ready to get on the case.
AKINA - Good!
ERIC - I think she was mad that I hadn't told her already.
AKINA - Oh yeah.
ERIC - But its okay. She's on the case now.
AKINA - Okay. Where are you now?
ERIC - I just walked from campus. I'm right in front of the dorm right now.
AKINA - Oh okay.
ERIC - Call me when you get out of your class.
AKINA - I will. And I'll probably just come by.
ERIC - Okay.
AKINA - Let me get in this class so I'll see you soon. Love you baby.
ERIC - Love you too.
(They hang up and ERIC decides to take the stairs up to his room instead of the elevator to avoid any more people.)
ERIC thinks - I just need a nap!
(ERIC gets to his room and closes the door behind himself. He doesn't turn the light on, he rather goes into his bedroom and sits on the bed.)
(ERIC gets up and goes down on his knees by his bed side.)
ERIC prays - God, I need your help right now. I know I haven't done all that you may have wanted for me. I know that I struggle with sex but I know you always forgive me and I believe that you take care of your children. Well here I am God your child and I'm in trouble. God if you can just help me get out of this I promise to...
(There is a knock on the door. ERIC opens his eyes and looks a the door.)
ERIC thinks - I knew Kina wasn't gonna go to class!
(He smiles as he gets up off his knees.)
ERIC thinks - I'm gonna kick her butt.
(He opens the door.)
ERIC - I thought I told you to... oh... wassup man.
DELL - Hello Eric. I need to talk to you.
ERIC - Right now?
DELL - Right now.
(ERIC sighs as he steps aside. DELL walks in.)
ERIC - Dell, whatever is wrong with the chapter, whatever Jay did, or whatever, right now I really don't have time for it okay?
DELL - This isn't about that.
ERIC - Well what can I do for you? I need to make this quick and get some rest.
DELL - Sit down Eric.
ERIC - Gee, thanks. I can sit in my own room huh?
(DELL sits down as well and pulls out his briefcase and takes some papers out.)
ERIC thinks - Damn now what?
DELL - Eric, it has been brought to my attention that an incident occurred between you and an ex girlfriend.
ERIC - What!
DELL - Care to tell me about it?
ERIC - Tell you about it? How the hell did you hear about this mess? What difference does it make to you anyway! How did you hear about it?
DELL - It makes a lot of difference to me! And I heard about it this way!
(DELL hands ERIC a stack of papers.)
DELL - I heard about it through these court documents! She named Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity incorporated in her suit as well! This girl Jessica is trying to put you in jail and sue us at the same time!
The ladies of Delta Sigma Theta are having an informal meeting/get together.
(There is a knock on the door.)
TIA - Hold up sorors.
CHRISTIAN - It's probably Theresa.
WILLIE - Yeah.
WILLIE thinks - Let's hope so!
(TIA opens the door.)
TIA - Hey T.
(THERESA walks in. TIA closes the door.)
THERESA - Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late.
WILLIE thinks - As usual.
CAMILLE - What's up my devastating soror of D... S... T!
GWEN - Lord Jesus don't let me hurt this child!
(THERESA looks at CAMILLE like she is crazy.)
WILLIE - You can have a seat T. We just got started. You didn't miss much.
THERESA - Actually...
(THERESA turns to face WILLIE.)
THERESA - ...I can't stay.
WILLIE - What?
BREANNA - You can't stay? Why not?
CHRISTIAN - Yeah, you just got here. What was the point in coming?
THERESA - Well, I have something I need to talk to the chapter about. To all of you about. And then I have to go.
CHRISTIAN - Talk to us about?
WILLIE - Wait a minute.
(WILLIE takes her notebook off her lap and places it on the table next to her.)
WILLIE - Theresa, sit down for a minute. Just for a minute.
(THERESA hesitates but sits down.)
WILLIE - Listen, we're all sorors and friends and we love each other. Mostly, we're family and when a family member needs support or whatever, that's what we're here for. At the same time, we all have noticed your lack of support for the rest of us in our service projects and other activities. I mean, you went to Vegas with us, on the expense of the chapter and we barely saw you after we got there.
THERESA - Willie...
WILLIE - No, let me finish.
THERESA - Not if this is gonna be a bash Theresa session...
WILLIE - It aint about bashing anybody. Its about accountability. And that's what I'm asking for. I don't think its asking too much.
(THERESA sighs then stands up.)
THERESA - Look, let me just say what I came here to say alright? Then all this other stuff will be cleared up.
WILLIE - Fine. You got the floor.
THERESA - Thank you.
(THERESA turns so she can face more of her sorors.)
THERESA - You know, a lot of you have said to me that I'm not pulling my weight or doing whatever to maintain the status quo. And I've never offered a rebuttle or anything. But I find it quite interesting that everyone that speaks about me speaks in front of the chapter and never to me one on one.
(Nobody says anything.)
THERESA - Except of course Willie, but who can compare to her work ethic and track record? None of us are doing half of what she gets credit for. So I'll take that tongue lashing with a grain of salt. But anyway, my point for coming here is this.
(She takes her bag off her shoulder and places it down. It looks to be full of something.)
THERESA - After going to Las Vegas to the convention with you all and spending some time... and after just being a part of this chapter and the sorority through most of this first year and semester, I've learned a lot about myself. Some things I didn't know...
(She pauses.)
THERESA - ...and some things I already knew. One thing I knew... was that sorority life just isn't for me. Its just not my cup of tea.
(THERESA opens her bag and pulls out a Delta Sigma Theta sweatshirt.)
THERESA - Ladies, I just stopped by to say that I'm returning all of my stuff and turning in my letters. I no longer wish to be a member of this chapter or sorority.
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